Manage your hire liability

Liability of the rented equipment - Eagle Damage & Loss Waver


If you fail to return the rented equipment for any reason on the last rental day or when requested to do so by Alicante clubs2hire will result in us charging your payment card the full amount of the replacement cost. As Alicante clubs2hire will only provide original manufacturer produced clubs, the replacement cost will be based on the manufacturer’s suggested retail price for the equipment, in addition to any charges for the rental period.


To protect you for any loss or damage, we offer the Eagle cover for just 8 euro per set. When you choose this option it will be charged for all rented sets. With the purchase of the Eagle cover the costs will be reduced as long as the head of the club is returned. 


Without Eagle cover the repair costs are between € 50 - € 65 depending on the make and type of club.. 

With Eagle cover the costs will be zero.


When the head of the club is not returned the club will be deemed to be lost or stolen. Any damaged club returned unrepairable, will also be deemed as lost or stolen


Lost or stolen equipment, without Eagle cover, will be fully charged to your Payment card.

With Eagle cover, only 50% of the costs will be charged.


A full tariff of repair and purchase prices is listed below.